Thursday, July 23, 2020

Strike! Strike! Strike!

Strike! Strike! Strike! Ok, Im breaking my Only blog every other day rule, but only because I dont really count the liveblog yesterday as an entry so much as a fun activity. CPW is right around the corner guys, excited? I am, probably more than you realize (ooooo, cryptic). Burton-Conner has all of its activities planned, our new shirts just got here (3 boxes containing several hundred shirts are sitting in my room), and Ive begun to realize that my classes are being toned down so that we can enjoy CPW. This is all very good news and puts me in a good mood, even though Im studying physics right now. Last year there was an 8.02 (Physics, EM) test during CPW, meaning any host in 8.02 just completely ignored their prefrosh for the first day of CPW so they could study. Luckily our test is this coming Thursday this year, completely avoiding CPW. My next math test isnt until late April, Toy Design doesnt have tests, and UROP is just fun. Overall, Im in really good shape to enjoy CPW . . . well . . . I thought I was. Then I checked my 2.001 schedule and almost cried like a baby. My last 2.001 (Mechanics and Materials) test went over like a bag of rocks. Technically, I guess its called a Quiz, but they just call it that to lure us into a false sense of security. I ended up getting class average, but it certainly didnt feel like that while taking the test. I felt worse coming out of that quiz than any test Id ever taken. I spotted the admissions crew (Ben, Nance, and Stu) in the student center after the test and had a What am I doing here, I suck at MIT, Im going to fail, I hate life, tell me that Ill be ok! moment. They were all awesome about it, assuring me that I would survive, that it was only one test, and that mechanical engineering isnt about how good at written tests you are, its about building things, so once I got the paper portion of Course 2 out of the way Id be fine. That made me feel moderately better, but it took a good 4 hours of Brawl to settle me down. It was rough. Boo for 2.001 quizzes. Luckily, we only have three (well, two tests and a fin al) so I dont have to take them that often. Anyway, back to talking about my CPW schedule. This is what my calendar looks like: Dude. No. That just aint right. So, Id like to predict what a future blog entry may be about (specifically, the blog entry right after CPW). Title: Why CPW Rocked and Sucked Really Hard at the Same Time! Content: It was so awesome, I was sleep deprived, ate far too much food/sugar, and hung out with a ton of people. Unfortunately, Im now on anti-depressants because I think I just got a 5% on my 2.001 test. I love you guys, it was great hanging out with you, but Id like to blame all of you for my failing 2.001. Go ahead, feel guilty now. Looking forward to that entry? Yeah, I know you are. Cant say Im looking forward to writing it, but that doesnt really matter. Enjoy CPW, it better be worth making me fail my 2.001 test ( not trying to make you feel guilty or anything ). :-) Guilt. Guilt guilt guilt guilt

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